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     What is Waste Management? In simplest terms, waste management is the collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage and other waste products. The most significant type of waste that ends up in landfills is food. Aside from economic losses, food waste is also a producer of greenhouse gases.

    The second-largest type of waste that is found in landfills is plastic. Plastic waste contributes greatly to climate change and poses a critical threat to pollution, biodiversity, and human health. While some types of plastic waste can’t be recycled such as single-use plastic bags and straws, most we toss can actually be recycled or reused.

The situation is alarming and needs everyone to start taking immediate action to deal with the garbage problem. The first step is to reduce the waste being generated at the individual level.


    According to a study by World Economic Forum, oceans globally will have more plastic than fish by 2050. The menace of plastic pollution is not only an alarming issue but is also a bigger threat than nuclear weapons (no, this was mentioned in Anisha's copy), as one plastic bottle takes up to 1000 years to decompose itself. Plastic, when dumped into landfills releases harmful greenhouse gases.

    The only solution is to junk plastic and look for alternatives. For instance, substitute plastic cups and plastic pens with paper cups and vintage ink pens respectively. Ditch plastic straws, instead sip your drinks. To make nine plastic bags takes as much energy as driving a car for one kilometer. Besides, plastic bags are harmful to the environment. So for the next shopping expedition, replace the plastic bag with a mesh bag that comes with a drawstring or a cloth bag. Denim bags are a great way to reuse old or worn-out jeans.

    Simply start by getting color-coated bins. Differentiate the bins into the following: Green for organic, yellow for glass, white for paper, grey for metal, red for hazard, and blue for plastic. Segregate waste into two categories - Bio-Degradable and Non-Bio-Degradable.

    Put wet wastes like leftover foods, vegetables, peels, etc. in an organic dustbin which can later be used for composting Segregation of waste can reduce the garbage burden on the already overflowing landfills, thereby curbing the pollution levels.

    Papers account for almost 35 percent of the waste that is dumped in landfills. Everything ends up in landfills from the trash can, from paper cups to napkins. To reduce paper waste, start using old clothes like rags for cleaning around the house, instead of paper towels. Switch to hand towels from paper napkins in your kitchen. Avoid using paper plates at house parties.

    As sensible dwellers of the Earth, we are responsible for managing our waste sustainably and protecting the environment. We can do this by following the 5 Rs of waste management.

    Reducing your waste means that there would be less waste to manage. However, reducing waste is easier said than done. Most businesses have unavoidable waste produce – and that’s fine. I’m sure business owners are trying to limit their waste expenses, anyway.

Still, how can we reduce waste? 

    The easiest thing to do to reduce waste is to stop the use of single-use plastics. If you’re going shopping, take a reusable shopping bag with you. You can also buy in bulk to reduce plastic packaging.

    A good percentage of the waste that ends up in landfills can be reused—waste such as unwanted clothes, toys, old jars, or old magazines.

    Remember the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure?”

    If you don’t want to keep some of your old stuff, why not donate them instead? You can give unwanted toys and books to schools. You can donate your unwanted clothes to goodwill. You can take your old magazines to your local dentist’s clinic.



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