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Showing posts from March, 2022


       This grading is so remarkable for me. So many hardships I've had encountered in making my tasks.     Although, two months of the journey of the third-quarter period, many concepts were taught to us, such as the HTML Links, wherein we can link HTML files and link photos, and create our own web design.      I will continue to make HTML for my own web design. Someday, I'd be proud of myself that I've studied so hard, that I've created such a masterpiece. RESOURCES : Image used from


  The world is in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. As WHO and partners work together on the response -- tracking the pandemic, advising on critical interventions, distributing vital medical supplies to those in need--- they are racing to develop and deploy safe and effective vaccines.  Vaccines save millions of lives each year. Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s natural defenses – the immune system – to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria they target. After vaccination, if the body is later exposed to those disease-causing germs, the body is immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illness. There are several safe and effective vaccines that prevent people from getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19.  This   is one part of managing COVID-19, in addition to the main preventive measures of keeping a safe distance from others and avoiding crowds, wearing a well-fitting mask covering your mouth and nose, keeping indoor spaces well ventilated, cleanin


         Bataan has fallen.       Araw ng Kagitingan (Day of Valor), April 9, the day Bataan fell into Japanese hands, was declared a  national holiday in the Philippines .  Previously called Bataan Day, the day is now known as  Day of Valor  or Araw ng Kagitingan, commemorating both the Fall of Bataan (April 9, 1942) and the Fall of Corregidor (May 6, 1942).     The capture of the Philippine Islands was crucial to Japan's effort to control the Southwest Pacific, seize the  resource -rich  Dutch East Indies , and protect its  Southeast Asian  flank. In late summer 1941, the Roosevelt Administration began a series of moves toward Japan that could only conclude with war. It began supplying arms to  Chiang Kai-shek  in China, began a massive military build-up in the Philippines, and imposed a series of embargoes, most importantly a refusal to sell Japan petroleum unless they evacuated all of China, including  Manchukuo  (Manchuria). This "ultimatum" was rejected by Japan and


  Christmas in the Philippines   is one of the biggest   holidays in the country . The   Philippines , one of two predominantly   Catholic countries in Asia , celebrates the world's longest   Christmas season ,  with   Christmas carols   heard as early as September 1 and lasting variously until either   Epiphany , the   Feast of the Black Nazarene   on January 9, or the   Feast of the Santo Niño   on the third Sunday of January.   The official observance by the   Catholic Church in the Philippines   is from the first day of   Advent   until the Feast of the Epiphany on the first Sunday after   New Year's Day .      Every year, Filipinos from around the world mark September 1 as the beginning of the countdown to Christmas. This countdown, which spans from September to December, otherwise known as the "Ber months", is one of the most important traditions that make the world's earliest and longest timespan of the Christmas season.      This year's festivities wil


      Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. During Lent, we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by  giving alms, and  we practice self-control through  fasting . We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully. We recall the waters of baptism in which we were also baptized into Christ's death, died to sin and evil, and began a new life in Christ.      In the early centuries, fasting rules were strict, as they still are in Eastern churches. One meal a day was allowed in the evening, and meat, fish, eggs, and butter were forbidden. The Eastern church also restricts the use of wine, oil, and dairy products. In the West, these fasting rules have gradually been relaxed. The strict law o


      After almost two months, another quarter of the school year had passed. The past weeks had been really so tough for me. This quarter had taught me a lot of things. I've learned how to code. Although that wasn't really my interest, I had fun making it.      Though, as a normal student, I had encountered some challenges in finishing the tasks. I am really bad at time management. But, as I slowly do my tasks one by one, I finally finished my tasks, which is a great relief for me.      Moving on, I will try to continue to study more coding. As I said, I really had fun making it. I really like creating the HTML. RESOURCES : Image used from

Kannawidan Ylocos Festival

       Kannawidan is an Ilocano term meaning feast of rich heritage and culture. It marks the 198th foundation of Ilocos Sur, which separated the province from Ilocos Norte by a Royal Decree on February 2, 1818. Th e 2016 Kannawidan Ylocos festival of the province of Ilocos Sur formally opened. The festivity features the heritage culture of the province which dates back two centuries ago.     The festival has so much importance to the Ilocanos, for it revives traditional practices that Ilocano elders passed on in the annual kannawidan Festival. The traditional opening displays the identity proofs that there is a culture that we have formed through the years, and we will continue our journey towards the future. The Kannawidan (local term for traditional practice) festival is also an occasion to strengthen the Ilocano culture, recognize Ilocos Sur's children, who brought honor to the province, celebrate the abundant harvest, or just celebrate the Ilocano spirit that continues to driv

Vigan City Fiesta Celebration in the New Normal

      Festivals happen yearly in the Philippines. It was like, not celebrating it once a year feels so wrong. It is already part of the tradition. It happens in every corner of the country. Every town has its own festive.          In the city of Vigan, the Longganisa Festival happens yearly. Observed every twenty-fifth of January, in honor of Saint Paul the Apostle, the city's patron saint. Celebrating it means a lot to our culture. It also boosts the place. Attracts a lot of foreigners.           But then, this year, the global pandemic had changed the yearly event of Vigan City. With utter safety precautions, a low-key celebration of the festival was held, with the help of government officials.      Celebrating festivals during this pandemic is really challenging. Social distancing must be kept. All the instructions should be properly carried out to avoid incidents, like the sudden boosts of COVID-19 patients. A lot of adjusting to the new normal celebration of the festivals.    

New Year, New ME!

  The end of a year implies the start of another one which I think is the reason why most people love to celebrate it. From fireworks to feasts and gatherings—we all have different versions of welcoming the beginning of another year. And obviously, some welcome the year through the trendy mantra “New Year, New Me”. Everyone has come up with their own creative ways of executing ‘New Year, New Me’ versions. Some of them are starting fitness gyms, doing better academically, or even setting new hobbies to be the best versions of themselves. This mantra is actually healthy for everyone since its main goal is to eviscerate their bad habits or behaviors and make a better person out of them. I personally think that it is very significant for people who feel bad about themselves. This way, it helps them sort out things that make them feel insecure and try to be someone better than their previous self. This practice helps people who do it to acknowledge their flaws and reflect on their inn

Celebration of Christmas Season in its essence, amidst the COVID 19 Pandemic

      Like any other Catholic and Christian country in the world, the Philippines also celebrates Christmas but way longer than any other country in the world. For Filipinos, Christmas is one of the most important holidays. Filipinos love to celebrate Christmas with family, relatives, and friends. It is the time of the year when Filipino families usually reunite and do things together with much fun, vigor, and festivities.       But in this time of the coronavirus pandemic , Christmas merriments in the Philippines are different, unlike in previous times. Some, if not all the wonderful Christmas traditions and practices have to some extent been compromised. For instance, traditional gatherings with family, friends, and neighbors which are deemed unsafe and risky as they may facilitate the spread of the coronavirus have to some extent been discouraged and shifted online.  The number of people who can attend “simbang gabi” has been limited as well and even masses have been celebrated onli


 During this  pandemic, we were all affected by the effects of the sudden appearance of the virus. We weren’t all prepared for this. This virus was very surprising to everyone. From the aged people to the middle-agers, teenagers. But, do we know how the children cope with this pandemic?               It was not long ago when a virus had strike the whole world. Leaving people to lose their jobs, get starved, or worse die due to hunger, not because of the deadly virus. We are all worried about our own health. But, have you thought about those little children who don’t even know what’s going on around them? I may not be one of those children, but they need to be at least taken really care of. As a part of every children’s right,, we all deserve to have a healthy and safe environment. We should take some steps into protecting them. Protecting our world. Start in our own households. Do as you are asked to do.  REFERENCE:   Image  from


  We all want to live in a community with a clean and healthy environment. I mean, who wants a place with no trees to climb, no birds to chirp, and no fruits to pick? Who wants to live in a place where all you could see is tall buildings, a plain sky? Where you couldn’t even inhale fresh and clean air. Who would choose a polluted place, yes?             We all want a clean home. Yet some people still destroy the nice ambiance to build tall buildings. People only learned to appreciate nature, when all they could see around them is establishments.             But we could always do something to protect the environment. We could always start from something small. Like cleaning the surroundings every day.             As for me, I show my care for the environment in different ways. Like, I do buy stuff online that uses recycled items for packaging. I do not burn used papers, instead, I use them in my math computations, or I pile them up for my do-it-yourself papers. I also support con


  Not a long time ago when the whole world was hit by the virus COVID-19. We were all unprepared for the sudden attack. Mostly everything had stopped. Including education. But had resumed not long ago so time won’t be wasted. But, does this new delivery mode of lessons gives quality education to students?             As a student myself, it was really hard for me to keep up with the new modal of learning. I had a hard time learning by myself. I barely keep up with the lessons. What most students say is true, it was just online delivery, not online learning.             There are times that I got distracted by my laptop. Which is one of the biggest cons of this online modality. It involves gadgets. And it was just so hard to resist temptation.             It is still hard, but I am slowly coping with the new normal education. I believe that we all should give our equal efforts because we are all new to this. REFERENCE:  Image  by  Carlos H. Espinoza  from


 The  Philippines has not yet experienced any pandemic like COVID-19 in the past years. With a lack of experience and funds, other countries have, the Philippines is not well equipped to manage an illness of such proportions. But Filipinos have always been known to be extremely resilient. We are so used to natural calamities, that it is something we have come to expect. It is something we dust ourselves off of and move on from.             There is a concept in the Filipino culture called Bayanihan. Which means having communal unity and cooperation. Bayanihan is a Filipino behavior most evident during difficult times. And the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception.             In the beginning of our community quarantine-known in other places around the world as a lockdown or stay-at-home order-you would see things like people in cars giving food to the medical and military frontline workers. Fundraisers and drives were organized in order to provide financial support to COVID-19 patient