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Showing posts from October, 2021


  Good day, Mr. President.   I hope you are feeling well today. I wrote a mail for you to say my words.   First, I am thankful to your administration that it lessens the number of crimes and such.   But my main objective of writing for you is to tell you that you should help our front liners, too. Not just the army, but the hospital crews.   I am writing not just someone, but a sister of a nurse. I and my family worry about her, she is a newly graduated nurse. Eventually, she passed the test and is now licensed. My point is, we worry that she might be infected with any of the viruses right now, hospitals lack materials. They need more money, fund. We want safety for everyone. REFERENCE: Image by Bermix Studio from


  Hi, I'm Michaela, but you can call me Mica, or Ella. I am 15 years old, turning 16 this December.   I have 8 cats, Maui, Kitty, Tiny, Bae, Rat, Mat, Red, and Van.   I love spicy foods. I also love sweets but I am a bit diabetic. I am a freelance graphics designer.   I love reading stories, watching funny cat videos, listening to music. And I love Taylor Swift.   I am an introvert. I don't know how to communicate or make friends.